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How the visionary can help

The visionaries, or magicians of old times, are known to operate outside of hierarchies, and they are not bound to the day to day consequences of the predictions they explore. They are able to give a glimpse into the future, and demonstrate things that are beyond typical comprehension by those who are inside the traditional hierarchies; whether the hierarchies are workplace, socio-economic, institutional or cultural. Their ability to operate outside a hierarchy grants them an unbiased perspective on trends and events that could soon transpire. 

You can find the visionary in spaces that require predictive skills, but they should be outside of your typical day to day operations; they may be an economist making general predictions about your industry, or a philosopher making predictions about new social trends. They could be investors in adjacent industries with some specific insight who are willing to share their knowledge on a niche perspective, or  a CEO of a company in another industry making predictions about the future of their industry that might be relevant to your own industry.


The key to finding a great visionary input, is in making sure their input is as objective and as bias free as possible. The CEO of your own company making a prediction about your own industry is probably less likely to be accurate than a neutral economists outlook on the same topic - unless said CEO has mastered their own confirmation bias and is very self-aware. 

How to integrate the visionary into the Ideality Stage 

The Visionary should be the person or person's responsible for determining the future direction of the idea. They will be setting the precedent for how the idea should evolve and how it will confront it's imminent obstacles. This person should be strong willed, perceptive, and have an anticipation ability on par with a chess expert. They should be the one to make the final decision on the specific final ideality and for forming the vision statement.

If you would like to find an unbiased and objective visionary to inspire your direction, or get some feedback on deciding between directions, then don't hesitate to reach out! Is our aim is to create meaningful dialogue on these topics, so even if you have general questions send them our way!

The Visionary

“If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” Steve Jobs

Determining the direction of the idea is the most important decision that will determine how intense the spirit of your idea will be. The direction you choose, will determine how much pull you will experience when developing your idea, and how much the idea will be able to pull itself. Choosing an imminent and intense direction, meaning a direction that is just over the horizon and heavily influencing the present, will exert a significant pull and influence from the future over present reality. Whereas choosing a direction that is relatively more distant and not so obvious, will create less pull from the future and ultimately be represented by a more quiet presence conceptually and in the final product. 

Depending on what kind of idea you want to work with, choose carefully. If you don't want an idea that will draw attention, then steer away from directions that have a present intensity. If you want a world changing idea, then choose a direction that has a lot of present and future intensity. 


Predictive Ability

Vision Setting







In life





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