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So far we've identified the idea and it's vision in the first three stages as a form of exploring the collective unconscious and spirit of your idea. Then in the recent three stages we identified a concept which embodied your idea in space and time and explored the embodiment of your idea. The next three stages will explore the agency of your idea and concept, as a type of non-human ego, and identify how we can best position ourselves to support its growth and development according to its "wants" and "needs".

When an entity has a sense of it's point of origin, as explored in the last stage, especially in relation to the origin of other concepts and ideas, the next dimension of existence is the capacity for choice; does the entity want to move away or closer to its origin, does it want to move closer or away from the ideas around it, does it need certain conditions to "survive" etc.

In the 5th stage of time, the trajectory of the idea was explored in relation to our ideal desire of "this is where the idea should go" and this will be considered in the next stage of learning in more detail. Our ideal notion of the idea's trajectory is distinct from the idea's will in itself. Where we want the idea to go, and where it is going on its own volition could be at odds with each other and it will be in identifying your idea's wants and needs that we can find common ground between what you want from the idea and what the idea "wants" for itself. This will be the point of negotiating and making compromises with the idea, in the next stage. For now we need to explore the idea, and concept, as an entity with its own internal experience and desires independent from our own wishes and biases. 

Wants and needs


By the end of this stage you should have a list of: 

Survival requirements and threats


Growth requirements and threats


This is a question of understanding the survival requirements, where enjoyment is derived from and it's purpose (but not the purpose you prescribe to the idea, the purpose it has relative to its own frame of reference). Hints of what the purpose of your concept is going to be will be revealed by applying the archetype of the executioner, responsible for the function of death. Only with a concept of death do we have a contrast with a will to live. We recommend exploring the executioner archetype further to better understand how to identify the idea's will to live and how it avoids death  (including defining survival threats).  In understanding what the concept needs to survive, we also have a better idea of what the idea wants and it's purpose. The death of a human involves the cessation of experience - so here is a hint for what the purpose of the spirit of humanity is. There are many analogies , and each idea and concept will have a diverse range of definitions for their death. To determine all of the death drivers in your idea, the archetype of the executioner will give you some more hints. Death can also help us identify dependencies that the idea needs in order to survive. What kind of power does the idea need to keep on going?


The will of an idea or concept must also be relative to it's immediate environment and ideas within the environment. In the case of a table; a table is pushing on another surface, so we could say the table has a will to push on a surface. Likewise with artificial intelligence, we can say that it has a will to replicate and predict outcomes so outcomes are also affected by the idea. Concepts that fly have a desire to lift and push against air - without something to push against flight is not possible. These other things that the idea requires to act in opposition to in order to achieve it's purpose, can be defined as the attractors - or things that the idea gravitates towards. Attractors are necessary for the idea to grow and the more of the attractors that are in the immediate frame of reference to your idea, the stronger the idea becomes.  

We recommend using the "Logician" archetype responsible for balancing the karma of your idea, and generating a list of properties that are necessary for the idea to grow. Karma is our term for universal justice - or the universal tendency for things to balance out eventually; this could also be expressed by the law of motion that for all forces there is an equal and opposite reaction. The Logician archetype can help you balance the equation, and help you identify where your idea sits in the wheel of fortune; is it currently in a fortunate position or a less fortunate position? What would good or bad fortune look like and how far away is a change in fortune? How will changes in fortune affect the growth of your idea? These questions will help you predict where future threats may come from as a response to your idea's will.

In identifying the growth requirements for your idea, you can nurture and support your idea that way it needs to grow. This stage is about identifying the type of water and fertilizer your idea needs to grow, while the direction you want it to grow in will be explored in the next stage. 

If you need help identifying the desires of your idea, and concepts, or would like some guidance identifying dependencies and attractors for your idea then please reach out. Community engagement is one of our main drives, and we appreciate the opportunity to discuss ideas with others. 


"Life is the sum of all your choices" - Albert Camus

Just like identifying the will and desires of a person, ideas and concepts that have been processed in our idea development model are able to be treated as an agent with capacities for choice, determination and preference. Modelling what an idea "wants", gives us insights into the depths of your ideas internal world - the same way psychoanalyzing an individual can give us awareness of their internal states and future desires.

Synonymous Ideas



Inputs: Spatial Parameters, Concept, Vision

Outcomes: Purpose of concept

Survival Threats

Ideal Growth 




Archetypes in focus

Logician to balance the actions

Executioner demonstrates how the idea could end

Realist balances the required actions with learning outcomes

Executive plans the product  infrastructure


Administrator is responsible for all the behind the scenes actions

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